The symptoms of depression we experience such as tiredness, lack of interest or pleasure in daily activities can lead to malaise and inactivity. This inactivity keeps depression going and can even make it worse. Little things get overlooked and we soon stop doing simple everyday tasks. This leads to people feeling overwhelmed or insurmountable.

Our low mood course supports you to overcome depression by stopping and reversing this inertia. By changing what you do, you can change the way you feel.

This 6-week group course helps you understand depression and its causes. We focus mainly on the link between what you do and how you feel. Vita’s Managing Low Mood course teaches basic skills in how to improve your mood and get your life back on track.

Asking for help can seem like a big step, but it won’t seem so daunting once you know what to expect.

We offer a broad range of services to suit a variety of circumstances, so your journey with us will be unique to you.

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider