Investors in People is an internationally recognised accreditation held by 10,000 organisations across the world. Organisations that meet the Investors in People Standard reflect the very best in people management practices. CPPG was recently assessed for accreditiation against the IIP ‘Developed’ Standard . The assessment process included the production of an assessment plan, administration of an online assessment survey sent to all employees, and interviews conducted with a representative sample of employees from across the organisation. Following the assessment, CPPG was awarded IIP accreditation until 2020.
Our IIP report described CPPG as having:
The IIP Practitioner reported that CPPG has a very strong employee culture which is friendly and professional. The company has a clear vision, mission and values with an inspirational leadership team. There is a friendly, open working environment where employees feel trusted and are given a lot of responsibility. Targets and evaluations work well, and there are many learning and development opportunities.