We have a range of rehabilitation classes to help our patients from the Croydon MSK community services. For more information on what to expect and a range of self-help exercises, simply choose the class type that you have been allocated.

Introduction to exercise class

The Introduction to Exercise Class aims to help you get used to doing some new movements with your body and show you how to improve your joint movement, muscle power, flexibility and balance

Upper limb rehabilitation class

The upper limb group aims to help you recover from aches and pains or surgery in the neck or shoulder and to show you how to get your joint movement, muscle power and flexibility back

Lower limb rehabilitation class

The Starter Lower Limb Rehabilitation Class aims to help you recover from your lower limb injury or surgery and to show you how to get your joint movement, muscle power, flexibility and balance back.

Advanced Lower limb rehabilitation class

The Advanced Lower Limb Rehabilitation Class aims to help you recover from your lower limb injury or surgery and to show you how to get your joint movement, muscle power, flexibility and balance back

Lower back rehabilitation class

The Low Back Rehabilitation Class aims to help you recover from the aches and pains of surgery in the low back and to show you how to get your joint movement, muscle power, flexibility and balance back

Post-Op Lower Limb rehabilitation class

The Post-Op Lower Limb Class aims to support patients after non-complex lower limb surgeries with their rehabilitation. It aims to help with recovery post-operatively to get your joint movement, muscle power, flexibility and balance back.

CBT back pain rehabilitation class

The CBT back pain class aims to support patients with persistent low back pain that have already trialled traditional conservative management such as exercise and self-management advice.

Aquatic Therapy rehabilitation class

The Aquatic Therapy Class aims to support patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions that are not able to tolerate land-based exercise due to high levels of pain or a significant restriction in joint movement. This is a physical, water-based exercise rehabilitation group.

Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider