Women’s Health now at Bickley Clinic


Due to the success and high demand for Women’s Health Physiotherapy at our Crystal Palace clinic, we are pleased to announce that we are now offering Women’s Health appointments at our Bickley Clinic.

The private Women’s Health Physiotherapy service offers assessment and treatment for both obstetric and gynaecological problems. Our Specialist Physiotherapists can help with the following conditions:


•    Advice and treatment for musculoskeletal conditions including back, pelvic girdle and rib pains
•    As well as nerve problems including sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome
•    Physical preparation for labour (labour positions, breathing techniques, massage)
•    Pelvic floor exercises with training to prevent and treat incontinence
•    Better Bumps assessment

•    Treatment for neck, back and pelvic pain
•    Practical and postural advice for feeding and carrying baby
•    Post natal abdominal retraining following a C-Section and for Rectus divarification
•    Pelvic floor training for incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain
•    New Mummy assessment


Treatment of incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain
•    Pelvic floor training
•    Manual therapy for painful pelvic floor muscles
•    Bladder training
•    Rehabilitation post gynaecological surgery

For more information and to book an appointment at our Bickley or Crystal Palace clinics, please contact our Reception Team:

T: 020 8778 9050 E. enquiries@cppg.co.uk W. www.cppg.co.uk

Added: 26/10/16

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider