What will PCREF focus on?


The PCREF will support improvement in three main domains. These are listed below alongside actions well be taking within each domain.

Leadership and governance

  • Nominate an executive board lead and establish governance structures, accountability and leadership across the organisation.
  • Co-develop, implement and review local PCREF plans with racialised communities and your workforce.
  • Identify priorities for improvement in meeting the specific legislative and regulatory requirements relating to equalities to include in local PCREF plans.
  • Monitor core measures at Trust Board level on a regular basis and publish PCREF plans.


National organisational competencies

  • Engage with racialised communities to identify and agree core organisational competencies.
  • Agree on measurable and practical actions to co- develop in local PCREF plans.
  • Ensure the whole organisation is aware of its responsibilities in implementing local PCREF plans.


Patient and carer feedback mechanism

  • Ensure patient experience data is used, monitored and flowed to national data-sets to enable bench- marking, lesson-sharing and service improvement.
  • Ensure outcome measures are routinely used and monitored locally, and flowed to national datasets to enable benchmarking, lesson-sharing and improvement of services.
  • Agree approaches for implementing a ‘real time’ and transparent feedback loop for racialised and ethnically and culturally diverse communities.

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider