Educate our children to look after their backs

We are well aware of the personal impact and public costs of back and neck pain.  For adults and the working population*, suffering from back and neck pain are significant for personal health and wellbeing, as well as the wider economy:
  1. UK economy loses £15 billion every year from absence due to back or neck pain
  2. That’s 4 million working days lost annually*
  3. 80% of the UK population will suffer back pain at some point in their lives

The theme of Back Care Awareness Week 2017 is Back Pain in Education.  Many episodes of adult back and neck pain are preventable, and occur during childhood or adolescence. Educating our children on the importance of taking care of their backs in the early years, will be beneficial later on.

There are simple ways to educate our children on back care, such as encouraging them to:

  1. avoid sitting for long periods on end in the same position – think about handhelds and neck posture
  2. exercise regularly
  3. stretch and lift properly, appropriately with good technique
  4. carry smaller school bags on both shoulders and equipment safely to avoid harming their backs

The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence has published guidelines on the management of Low Back pain with or without Sciatica. NICE makes the following key recommendations for healthcare providers:

• Provide people with advice and information, tailored to their needs and capabilities, to help them self-manage their low back pain
• Consider a group exercise programme (biomechanical, aerobic, mind–body or a combination of approaches)
• Consider manual therapy (spinal manipulation, mobilisation or soft tissue techniques) but only as part of a treatment package including exercise, with or without psychological therapy
• Consider psychological therapies using a cognitive behavioural approach with or without a combined physical programme
• Promote and facilitate return to work or normal activities of daily living

Crystal Palace Physio Group offers a number of exercises programmes under the NHS Service for Bromley and Lambeth residents with low back pain. In order to be referred into these classes, your will need a referral from the GP to our service and have an assessment with one of our physiotherapists.

Additionally, we also have a number of exercises Classes run by our Private Services team, including Pilates.  Please contact us for details.

Further information on Back Pain can be downloaded as a pdf leaflet from our Patient Information page.

Further information on Back Care Awareness Week.

Click here to visit our *Occupational Health Services*, Private Services, or NHS Services.

Please contact us for further information or to speak to a specialist:
t: 020 8778 9050

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider