CPPG Wellbeing – Aug 2017 Falls Prevention


Falls Prevention

As part of our Make Every Contact Count and Wellbeing programme, we are pleased to announce this month’s initiative is “Falls Prevention”.

The scale of the problem

According to the Charted Society of Physiotherapy

  • 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 will fall every year
  • This equates to 3 million falls each year
  • This figure is even higher for those over the age of 80
  • Falls cost the NHS and estimated £2.3 billion per year

The Solution

According to the latest NICE guidelines, tackling this challenging topic required a multipronged approach.  This includes:

  • Identifying those at risk of falls
  • Undertaking risk assessments for those at risk
  • Making appropriate referrals
  • Supporting through strength and balance classes

At CPPG, our clinicians are committed to support those at risk and so please speak to your physiotherapist if you are yourself, or know of someone who is potentially at risk.

In addition, we also offer an elderly persons exercise class t help support those affected.  See here for more information.

Additional useful information

SLIPS (Southwark & Lambeth Integrated Care Pathway for Older People with Falls) – Service Information

NHS – Falls Prevention Guidance

Age UK – Falls Prevention Guidance

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider