Blazing a Trail with Gold Standard Accreditation

CPPG Occupational Health has become the first physiotherapy provider to be awarded the Safe, Effective and Quality Occupational Health Service(SEQOHS) accreditation, the ‘Gold Standard’ assessment in the OH industry.  Congratulations to our OH team especially Miles Atkinson, Head of CPPG OH Services and Kathryn Moore, CPPG Clinical Governance Lead.

“We found the whole experience extremely thorough yet ultimately very rewarding. The process forces you to really examine the service you are delivering and view it in a more holistic manner.” Miles Atkinson, Head of CPPG OH Services.
Stuart Paterson, Founder and Director of CPPG “SEQOHS is recognised as the gold standard assesment in the OH industry and it is fantastic now that it has been extended to OH physiotherapy. We are thrilled and delighted to be the first occupational physiotherapy provider to be assessed and accredited.  To achieve this and be recognised is quite an achievement for our team.”
“This is a significant achievement, which is testament to the company’s hard work and commitment to deliver a high-quality care service’ Dr Robert Hardman, Chair of SEQOHS.

In the Press:
Click here to read an article about CPPG’s experience of the award process from Miles Atkinson, Head of OH Services. Article first published in the Occupational Health and Wellbeing Journal, November 2016.

Click here to read an article about the background and process within an article published in the Assocaition of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics, ACPOHE Journal, Spring 2017.

Page added: 23/02/2017

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider