If you suffer from back or neck pain, a sports injury, arthritis – in fact, any joint or muscle problem – Physiotherapy can help relieve your pain and get you moving again.

Our services are designed to create a holistic treatment that addresses all your concerns and not just the symptoms. We help people from all walks of life lead happier lives through specialised, personalised healthcare.

Who Can Be Treated With Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists are involved in helping people of all ages, from young infants to the elderly, from all walks of life. They commonly treat people suffering back or neck pain, general aches and pains and sports injuries. This means we are able to help with any muscle, bone, joint or ligament problem you may have. Our experienced team can help treat a wide range of concerns including continence and pregnancy-related pain.

We have an award-winning team of physiotherapists who are trained to assess the underlying causes of joint, muscle and nerve injuries. With specialists across the country, we have a practice near you who can help you lead a healthier, happier life so you can be confident of the treatment and advice that you receive.

You will find an effective treatment that uses a wide range of techniques to:

  • Relieve your pain
  • Restore your movement
  •  Prevent any further problems

To do this, the treatment you receive may include education and advice about your condition and your health, joint mobilisation and manipulation, therapeutic exercise and stretches, and soft tissue massage. This information empowers you and allows you to tackle concerns yourself before they become bigger problems.

Our team are experts in diagnosing and treating injuries and will provide you with easy to understand and helpful advice.

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider