Psychological therapists:

Psychological therapists help people deal with problems that significantly interfere with their lives. Some psychological therapists in our service are trained as clinical or counselling psychologists, some as counsellors or psychotherapists and some as cognitive behavioural therapists.

Many people face problems such as coping with stress, depression, anxiety, trauma or adjustment to new life circumstances. Seeing a psychological therapist involves building a relationship between therapist and client in which problems can be thought about and worked through together. You will develop strategies to cope better, manage your wellbeing and ultimately lead a happier life.

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners

Psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWP) are trained to guide you through a range of self-help materials specific to your difficulties. Their role is to deliver low intensity support. The self-help materials may be in the form of leaflets or booklets, or available online. You choose how you wish to engage with the self-help support. The treating clinician making your bespoke programme selects all material. The online support has a large library of additional content, which you can access for 12 months.

Our practitioners will guide you through the programme, whether paper based, or computer based, and help you with any difficulties that may arise.

All of our psychological team are all qualified and accredited to work in an IAPT service, in accordance to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) – find out more

Long-Term Conditions Team

It’s very common for people diagnosed with a long-term condition to feel low, frustrated or worried at times. Living with a long-term condition can affect a person’s mood and how they feel can impact their health.

Our Long-Term Conditions Team can support individuals to improve their overall wellbeing. Those individuals learn to cope better with the demands of managing their condition, which has a positive impact on their mood and health. We work with a range of problems including: diabetes, coronary heart disease/heart failure, COPD, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

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Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider