Who are we?


  • Specialist Mental Health Practitioners working on behalf of GP practices in the Basildon and Brentwood locality.
  • Providers of mental health assessment and initial treatments within primary care.
  • A key service in the integrated primary and community care (IPCC) network, with agreed referral pathways with other mental health and community care services.


What are our roles?

We will…

  • Meet the mental health needs of the Basildon and Brentwood population either directly or by providing a trusted assessment and onward transfer to appropriate services.
  • Bridge the gap between the IPCC and mental health complex needs services, with an increased focus on service integration and attendance to mental health multidisciplinary team meetings.
  • Provide a two-way communication and service collaborations rather than rigid referral processes.
  • Provide prevention and early intervention of mental health needs.

How we do it?


  • Provide a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment of patients’ mental health needs, with the prompt transfer of patient care to appropriate services when necessary.
  • Facilitate increased access to psychological therapies and mental health support by working to a Trust Assessor agreement with other mental health services.
  • Provide clinical advice and effective signposting to community mental health resources.
  • Incorporate mental health promotion and wellbeing advice in our consultations.

How will your surgery benefit?

We will provide expertise in…

  • Mental health clinical assessments, which will increase GP clinical capacity to assess and treat patients presenting in primary care with non-mental health concerns.
  • Medication review and non-medical prescribing needs (where non-medical prescribing RMNs are available).
  • Conducting thorough risk assessments and making appropriate and timely clinical decisions to help manage patient risk.
  • Managing people with long-term mental health conditions discharged to primary care.
  • Providing specialist advice and support to ensure mental health is taken on-board and considered as part of treatment and care in the surgery.

Meet our team

Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider