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Physiotherapy services

Lambeth Integrated Musculoskeletal Service is delivered in partnership by Vita Health Group, Guys and St Thomas’ and Kings College Hospitals.  

To access the service, please contact the patients GP practice.

If you are a the GP please complete the MSK AQP referral form on your clinical system (EMISweb) or signpost GetUBetter. 

COVID Service update: As per the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy guidelines we continue to offer virtual first approach to all physiotherapy appointments. This includes telephone, video calls and online groups. We are taking a phased approach to opening our NHS clinics in line with government guidance on social distancing to ensure we keep you and our staff safe. We can now offer a limited number of face to face appointments based on individual clinical presentation and with clear consent from you regarding risk.


Vita is an award-winning, CQC registered healthcare provider